Worried about moving


New Member
We are considering buying a house and moving away from this area but I'm a little worried that we may end up in a rougher area. How can I check before we decide where to go?


New Member
I would check local crime statistics. Call the local police department if you have to. And you need to see for yourself at different times of day what the place is like. Visit during the day and after dark and see what kind of vibe you get from the people you encounter.


New Member
There are loads of tools on the internet for checking what an area is like, plus look on Google Earth and note how clean and tidy the streets and the properties look. If you see a street full of litter or broken garden gates, you get an idea it's a rough area.


New Member
You could talk to people you know and to people that you encounter in various places. Word of mouth and first hand experience of others would tell you a lot.


New Member
Thanks guys, some good ideas here. I've got Google Earth on my PC and I'll use it to see what the places look like before we actually choose properties to view. Talking to people is also good advice and I'll certainly check the crime stats.