worst show of all time?


New Member
Is there a show that you just cannot stand? There are some that I won't even pause on the channel if I know that's what is on. What is your worst?


New Member
I hate soap operas. When I still lived with my parents, the people at home used to watch soap operas all the time (well, actually only on prime time). They had the volume so loud that you would still be able to listen to (or hear) the shows wherever you are in the house.


New Member
Oh man, I think there would be too many to list. The first one that comes to mind right now is Jersey Shore. I know a lot of people like it, but I cannot stand it. It makes me cringe.


New Member
I don't watch much T.V. because I can't find any shows I like, except for a movie now and then, so my list would be long. The one that I can't stand at all is the very popular "The Simpsons." If I could, I'd take that show off the air.


New Member
Oprah is the slimiest show on Earth. I primarily hate it because she tries to persuade people into believing religions their drones preach, Eckhart Tolle being one of them.


New Member
I am not a big fan of religious and evangelical TV shows. They are either boring or offensive. In fact, they are one or the reasons I don't watch TV that much anymore.


Staff member
Soaps and most reality TV. I will watch some things like Dual Survival and such for reality TV, but shows like You think you can Dance, the singing one, or the marriage ones. Yup, I click right passed. Sadly it is what most of the major networks play anymore, along with shows like CSI which i'm over.