"You don't remember me...do you?"


New Member
I had the worst case of brain freeze today. I was at a restaurant with a co-worker and a man came up to our table and was very friendly, greeting me, asking me how my family was...and I was at a loss.

He looked familiar, but I couldn't think of his name, or from where I knew him. I couldn't even fake it when he said, "You don't remember me...do you?" I felt like a crumb. I apologized and said, "Remind me again where I know you from." Turns out he's a friend of another co-worker and he went to a happy hour we had for someone's birthday after work.

Have you ever been in that awkward situation where someone seems to know you and youo can't remeber them? how did you handle it?


New Member
I am awful with this. My wife says it's because I don't pay good enough attention. Fortunately, she is great at remembering names and such and often bails me out of some of those awkward situations.


New Member
For my wife and I it is the opposite. I remember everybody and always run into people I know. She can't remember peoples names vary often at all and I am always whispering to her who it is or a little reminder.


New Member
Oh, yea, I can relate to this. I've given up on trying to fake it and as soon as someone comes up to me that I don't remember, I just say, "Wow, I'm brain dead! I know I should remember you - refresh my memory." That way I take responsibility for forgetting and they don't feel so embarrassed.


New Member
I am very bad with names, I can almost always remember how I know a person but if you ask me their name I will get that dumbfounded look on my face like I just managed to forget what color the sun is. Its crazy, the older I get the worse it tends to be and I am not even that old yet.


New Member
My problem is I can remember faces but not names, sounds like I am like you then. It is hard to remember names of everyone we meet. I don't feel too bad about it anymore, it's just the way it is.