Recent content by benny

  1. B

    Never friends?

    It depends on the people, I know ex couples who can't stand to be in the same room and I know some that make you wonder if they are still hooking up. While I never was divorced I was in a three year relationship with somebody before my wife and we are still good friends.
  2. B

    Bad influences

    Well there is a big difference between drinking and getting drunk, but I do understand why you don't want your children to imitate them. Just make sure you don't go overboard and make them want to do it, just because your forbid them to.
  3. B

    What Do You Do To Stay In Shape?

    Swim, run, hike, workout, play sports. I have been pretty much at the same weight the last 15 years, with minor variations of gaining and loosing it. I was always an active person, so weight has rarely been an issue for me.
  4. B

    Finances for the month.

    Do you plan out every detail meticulously or do you work with a rough budget and try not to exceed that? I have to admit that I tend to calculate my estimated expenses almost to the cent on the first of every month.
  5. B

    Two year old still breastfeeding.

    One of our friends has a two year old that is still breastfeeding is that healthy? My kids stopped around the age of one and me and my wife always thought that was plenty enough, were we wrong?
  6. B


    They are not that bad, as long as you remmeber to blink (something people with contacts usually do). Most of the new ones are quite comfortable and much more practical than glasses in my opinion.
  7. B

    Running a marathon.

    I guess it's nice to have big goals, I usually don't think about big goals too much. I try to do better than the previous day and take it one step at a time, it has worked for me so far.
  8. B

    Solar flares

    I agree with Anthony, solar flares can burn out generators, building a new one takes around 2 years. Life for people living in the city would go to hell in a hand basket really really fast. Also when you wouldn't have anything to eat or a clean water supply, I think your Internet connection...
  9. B

    Step brothers

    I only have my brother, but we do get along well, since we formed a bond over the years that's one of the most important thing between siblings be it step brother or real one.
  10. B

    The touch or patience?

    Well some people do have a natural predisposition, but what ultimately counts is patience in my book. Just today I saw a guy screaming at his five year old, that he shouldn't cry he knows how to swim, he can get out. That is not the right way...
  11. B

    The flu.

    What do you do when your kids get the flu? Do you try to quarantine them from each other if they have the same room? We have a few procedures that would put the CDC to shame, we adopted them because a few years back my youngest came home with the flu and it knocked all of us out for two weeks.
  12. B

    Holding it in.

    My wife understands that I am the way I am, trying to change me will just result in a wasted effort. Opening up however doesn't necessarily have to be about crying, you could just tell her what's bothering you.
  13. B

    Planned or just happened?

    Our first child was planned, but with our second one my wife forgot to take her birth control pill, go figure. I guess on the positive side, when it just happens you are pleasantly surprised, at least I was.
  14. B

    Waiting to conceive.

    You are probably fine, but getting a checkup won't hurt, at the very least your doctor can give you a few pointers on how to raise your chances of conceiving.
  15. B

    Do you cook?

    Do you cook? If yes how often? I'm not that big of a chef, but once in a while I like to surprise my wife, often what I make comes out tasting quite decent.