Recent content by Ed35

  1. E


    I'm sure it was on at 10pm on Thursday here, right after Person of Interest (another favorite of mine). I hope they did not change the time - they were on different channels. I would hate to pick between the 2. It really is a great show.
  2. E

    Best Indoor Play Places For Your Kiddos

    Monkey Joe's? that sounds very interesting. There are no Monkey Joe's around here. We take them to Minehans - its a local place here. We also used to take them to Chuck E Cheese.
  3. E


    Nope, I don't know any language besides English. I took 4 years of French in high school and can't remember enough to say so. My kids will take Spanish or French in high school like I did.
  4. E

    Sushi at Home

    Yuk! Sorry I can't give you any advice as I wouldn't touch the stuff. Nothing raw (besides clams) will go near my mouth! I don't think it even looks like you should eat it.
  5. E


    Has anyone been watching this new TV show? There have been 2 episodes so far and I love it. I can't figure out if the son or the wife is alive. I wonder if they are both dead and he is dreaming? Perhaps he is really dead and they are alive.
  6. E

    Cabin Fever?

    We like you have already been enjoying the mild winter. We have been playing catch in the yard and taking long walks. We love to ride bikes together. We also set up the volleyball net (daughter plays for school).
  7. E

    Beach rentals

    We go to Jekyll Island in Georgia. It's a beautiful beach with very few people. I also love Virginia Beach. That beach is packed though and will be super busy over Spring break.
  8. E

    Having friends over

    My wife is the opposite, she likes the kids to come to our house. She tells me that when they come over, she knows the kids are safe. Our kids all have great friends, but you just never know what their family lives are like.
  9. E

    are you kidding?

    I would be glad that he wasn't sick during the break! You want to enjoy your time off. I would much rather be sick when I was supposed to be working - sick days!
  10. E

    I saw the space station tonight

    Awesome! I wish I could see it. I love science and so do the kids. I bet they would have loved it just as much as me. We go out and look at the stars all the time.
  11. E

    Oh no no cable!

    10 full days? Are you kidding. Now that I would have been a bit miffed about. You had a great attitude though. I don't know why we lost it, we had power just no cable.
  12. E

    Snooki's pregnant?!?

    Well let's hope that she takes it serious and she stops partying all the time. I did see that her rep came out and said it's true. She is pregnant and engaged. I think she should be off the show now! I don't watch it - I tried to watch a few minutes but I was sick to my stomach!
  13. E

    Comfort foods!

    Those sound good too Salazar and thanks for your comment. I love chili and homemade macaroni and cheese! I'm not a big Mexican food fan other then taco's.
  14. E

    Dealing with a pets death

    It was tough! My daughter saw her have a seizure! I tried to scoot her away from our dog before it happened. We ended up telling the kids. My wife was right, they were upset but we dealt with it. We had to put her down last Friday.
  15. E

    Oh no no cable!

    We had no cable or internet today from 8:45am to 7:15pm. The kids were in shock! :eek: I just laughed! We played 4 different board games and played outside too. It was a great day. We just finished dinner and the kids are watching TV now. I don't mind no cable days!