Recent content by LeonR

  1. L

    Hiring outside tutors

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I've found a couple of high school students to recommend. I think young people respond well to older students. We old guys are missing the cool factor, evidently. There are a couple of teachers who tutor, too. At least he's got some options now.
  2. L


    I've been wanting to see if I could find some of the daylight bulbs for reading and doing desk work. My eyes are much more sensitive than they used to be. I've heard that they daylight bulbs do allow you to see so much better.
  3. L

    Hiring outside tutors

    How much success have others had with hiring tutors to help with math, English and other subjects? We didn't really have to go this route with any of our children, but my brother has been asking around. I didn't really know where to suggest or even what type of help to suggest.
  4. L

    Tell Me I Haven't Lost My Mind!

    If you don't go ahead and try, you'll never know what you'd be missing. If you deny your wife another child, that will always be a bone of contention. Most people who have children end up seeing them as a joy in their lives. We have four, and it's ten times the pleasure having just one would be.
  5. L

    Sledding tomorrow

    We have this big hill in our town where everyone gathers when we finally have a snow. We've not had anything that even resembles snow so far this year. I'm hoping maybe in late January or early in February we'll see the white stuff.
  6. L


    It's hard to get the lights right. I also hate an overhead light in the center of the room. It hurts my eyes. We use a lot of lamps and have one master switch where they all come on with one flip of the switch. That's the best part of this house.
  7. L

    Interview tomorrow!

    How did your interview go? We've been cheering for you. Being in the position of interviewing for a job is always a difficult one. especially when you need it at the time. I hope things are looking up.
  8. L

    Beating a cold.

    I used to have a college professor who swore by Linus Pauling. Pauling advocated taking huge doses of Vitamin C and drinking lots and lots of water. My professor's dreams were to live to be 100 and to see the year 2000 come in. He did both. I've taken his Vitamin C advice over the years and...
  9. L

    I always tell my kids

    My girls always teased me about trying to turn everything into a life lesson. I suppose I did, and I still do. Isn't that what fathers are for? I can handle the ribbing, though. So far, it's worked okay.
  10. L

    Home made Febreeze

    That is using your brain. Does Downy go on sale more often and for a bigger discount than the Febreeze does? Any time you can save money, it's a good thing. Pennies add up.
  11. L

    Parenting Tips and Tricks

    One of the best things we did was to put a load of laundry into the wash as soon as we got up each morning. In case we needed any of the things in a hurry, they were at least clean, if not folded.
  12. L

    New Year's Day with the neighbors

    We were invited to a block party the afternoon of New Year's Day. I was pleased to meet some neighbors I had not even known were living within a few blocks of us. I'm surprised to have had such a wonderful afternoon, but it was great getting to know all these new people.
  13. L

    Braces! Ahhhhhhhhh!

    I could buy myself a new car with what I've already spent on braces for our children. In the end, it's worth it. Our children are becoming more self-confident every day. I love the young women they are becoming.
  14. L

    George Bush Sr

    I've seen this news all over the Internet. Maybe I go through more websites over the course of a day than you do. It did come across our local news channels, as well.
  15. L

    Son Divorced Again

    It's especially hard on other members of the family when two people divorce. All you can do is be there for your son and for the children. Good luck as you go through this most difficult of times.