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  1. L

    My Brother Wants To Date My Sister-in-law

    My brother confided in me that he likes my sister-in-law. There is no problem with me as long as she takes good care of him. Do you know anyone who has a brother that married the sister of his/her spouse? Do you think this will go well with both families?
  2. L

    Using Kids To Attract Ladies

    I remember a movie, not the title I'm afraid, where a man used his little daughter to attract ladies. I know it is a bad thing to use children for our own interest but does this happen in real life?
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    Legitimate Causes For Divorce

    I find it so sad that sometimes divorce are made with slight disagreements. Anyone can apply for divorce as long as it is allowed by the state or government but what should be the legitimate causes for someone to file a divorce?
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    Cleaning The House

    How many here clean their homes as a family? I thought about this just now because my wife mostly does the cleaning and my kids only play around. I think it will much faster to clean house as well as help my wife ease up her duties around the house if we do it as a family.
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    Letting Kids Taste Beer

    Do you think it is a good idea to let your kids taste beer even when they are still very young? My father did this when I was little but it didn't deter me from drinking when I've grown already.
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    Bad Influence Relatives

    How do you prevent your kids not to imitate relatives that are bad influence? My cousin swears a lot and my little boy mimics his uncle without understanding the words being said.
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    Explaining Reproduction to Kids

    I have a hard time thinking of the best way to explain reproduction to my little kids. How do you approach such subject to your kids? Anyway, glad to be a part of the community of fathers. Sometimes mothers can't understand us men so it is better to open problems with fellow fathers.