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  1. C

    Wife is getting over confident

    I don't know what caused it, but my wife has suddenly switched gears and now she thinks she knows everything about babies. She is due with our first in six weeks and up until recently she had tons of questions and was kind of nervous about what to expect. Now she's suddenly gone in the other...
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    I think I am the only guy among my friends and co-workers who eats fruit everyday. Granted, I eat it on a daily basis because my wife packs it in my lunch, but still, I like it. Do you guys eat a lot of fruit?
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    Guy time - cancelled

    My wife is having her baby shower this weekend and I had planned on getting together with the guys for a few hours while the shower was going on. Well, I guess the hormones kicked in full blast because she told me last night that I am absolutely not allowed to hang out with my friends this...
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    Cord blood banking

    Did anybody here bank the cord blood? My wife has been looking into this, but it's pretty expensive and I'm not sure it's worth it. None of our friends did it and the doctor isn't really giving us a straight answer on what he recommends.
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    Multigrain Pringles

    I saw a commercial today for multigrain Pringles and I just had to come here to ask if others had seen this. How in the world do they make a potato multigrain??
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    Fantasy football

    Does anyone here play fantasy football? I had an opportunity recently to join a fantasy team, but I didn't do it because, to be honest, I have no idea how it works. Is it hard to do?
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    Maternity leave

    When did your wife start her maternity leave? Was she one of those who worked right up til the end? My wife keeps saying she's going to work until her due date (unless she has the baby early, of course), but I don't think she's going to make it. She had to take almost all last week off due to...
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    Burritos and enchiladas

    What is the difference between a burrito and an enchilada? They seem very similar to me except that burritos are usually bigger. I came up with a good stuffed tortilla recipe and I'm not sure if I should call it a burrito or an enchilada.
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    Carpal tunnel

    My wrists have been bothering me lately and I'm wondering if this could be the start of carpal tunnel syndrome. Has anyone ever had it before? Is there a way to make it go away? Does wrist pain automatically mean it's carpal tunnel?
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    Bringing your wife flowers

    How often do you guys bring your wife flowers? I do it a couple times a year and that used to be good enough, but now that she's pregnant she's been on me about how I never bring her flowers. I thought it was supposed to be an occasional surprise, not a weekly thing.
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    Feeling anxious

    A buddy of mine called yesterday to say his wife had their baby. I'm really happy for him and I felt fine when I was talking to him, but as soon as we got off the phone I started having anxiety. My wife is due in November and I guess it just made it seem a little more real to me now that his kid...
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    Hand-me-down furniture

    I have a friend who gave me two TVs and an entertainment center over the weekend. He was just going to donate the stuff to Goodwill anyway so it isn't that big of a deal, but I still felt funny taking it. Does anyone else ever feel weird in situations like this? I guess I wish I could be the guy...
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    Room temperature water

    Has anybody heard that when you get really hot you're not supposed to drink cold water? I was sweating my butt off the other day doing yard work and my neighbor told me I shouldn't drink ice water because it doesn't hydrate and cool the body down as well as room temperature water. Myth or fact?
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    Was this insensitive?

    My wife is due in November with our first child and I realize she is tired and not feeling all that great. I have been trying to be sensitive to her needs and take good care of her, but Saturday was my birthday and I had some friends over and apparently stayed up too late. She got mad at me in...
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    Wife wants to stay home

    My wife is due in November and she wants to stay home with the baby for the first year or so. I don't think it's monetarily possible, but I don't know how to tell her she's going to have to go back to work. I would love for her to be able to stay home, but I need to pay off my student loans...
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    I just completed a four week certification course for my company and I should be getting a raise soon! I am really excited about this because with the baby on the way we can definitely use the money. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed until I see the change on my paycheck.
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    Emergency oil stocks released

    Oil dives to 4-month low as emergency stocks unleashed - Yahoo! News A lot of this oil price news reads like Greek to me, but this looks kind of positive. I just hope it helps for the long run and we don't end up paying $4 a gallon again in a few months.
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    Finding time to game

    I'm a bit of a gamer and with a baby on the way I'm wondering if I'll ever have time for it once the baby gets here. I've cut back on the gaming quite a bit in the past few years (gotta start to grow up eventually, right?), but I still like to put in a few hours on the weekends. Do we have any...
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    We picked a name!

    My wife is due in November with a boy and we have come to an agreement on the name - Ian Michael. We both love the name Ian and Michael is after my father. I'm pretty shocked how easy it was to pick the name. I thought for sure there was going to be some back and forth arguing, but it went very...
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    Foster kids

    I have a baby on the way so I am definitely not thinking about doing this anytime soon, but a buddy of mine just took in a foster kid and it got me thinking about it. Does anyone here have a foster kid? Would you ever consider it?