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  1. K

    Renovations start tomorrow!

    I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. My kitchen and bathroom are getting remodeled this week so we're getting all new stuff inside. It's long overdue and I can't wait. The only bad thing is we'll be eating out all week. I guess the inconvenience is worth it though.
  2. K

    Worst gift

    What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? I haven't really received anything crazy, but I do get a shirt from the same relative every year that is basically for people well beyond my age and style. I've never worn any of them.
  3. K

    Forex market

    I just recently started trading the Forex due to my boss talking to me about it at work. He knows I'm pretty good at trading stocks, but I'm learning the currency market it a whole other ball game. I'm not sure I'll put in the time to get good at it. It does seem riskier to me than trading stocks.
  4. K

    Xbox Kinect

    Does anyone have the Xbox Kinect system? I was thinking of getting it as a present to my girlfriend for Christmas with that Dance Dance Revolution game. How accurate is the game though? Does it really pick up all of your moves or does it miss a lot of things?
  5. K


    I've been seeing a therapist for a couple of personal issues I'm dealing with and I've had 6 sessions with her. So far, I feel like it's been a waste of money because all I do is talk and she hardly says anything. I can do this with a friend for free. Aren't they supposed to give some advice or...
  6. K

    Rising cost of benefits

    I did these self-assessment and blood tests at work, because we get $400.00 off our yearly benefits premium. I expected the amount I pay each pay period to go down, but instead it went up by 50% due to rising healthcare costs. This is getting ridiculous!
  7. K

    NBA lockout

    What the heck is going on with these guys? I don't know all the details, but it sounds like a lot of over paid people who play a game for millions of dollars aren't satisfied with millions and need even more? Is that what this is about? Makes me sick to my stomach. Fans have to suffer now.
  8. K

    Sick again

    Last year at the same time I got really sick and couldn't even attend any of the family Thanksgiving dinners. I seem to be coming down with the exact same thing I had then! I hope it goes away quickly and doesn't get any worse. I don't want to lose my holiday once again.
  9. K

    Building Confidence

    I suffer a little bit with a low self-esteem problem and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. It's not as easy as just saying, "I'm confident". What techniques can I use to build myself up so I don't feel like a failure sometimes? I don't think my case is extreme, but I know it is an issue.
  10. K

    Stories from grandparents

    I'm willing to bet a lot of your grandparents have or had a lot of great stories to tell. I think when you have a senior in your life that loves to talk, you get to get a piece of history through their eyes. I've always enjoyed my grandpa's stories he shared. Sometimes we heard the same one over...
  11. K

    Under Appreciated

    Sometimes at work I feel under appreciated by my bosses. We just finished a huge project that was sprung on my department unexpectedly. At our employee meeting this morning, our operations manager only recognized our supervisor for her effort in the project. Meanwhile, the guys in my department...
  12. K

    Amusement parks

    I swear the best time to go to any amusement park is during the weekday. The lines aren't as bad for waiting at this time. I'm thinking of taking a trip to Disney World soon with the cooler weather coming. Should be a great time to do something like this.
  13. K

    Black Friday

    I know that stores are supposed to have good sales on black Friday, but are they really that good to be standing outside of stores such as Best Buy at 7:00pm at night until they open in the morning? It's always boggled my mind. I love spending time enjoying the holiday, so there is no way I'd...
  14. K

    Halloween right around the corner

    Do you have any traditions for Halloween, or do you usually do whatever is happening, whether it be a party or taking the kids trick-or-treating or going to get candy yourself? Do you dress up still as an adult too? My favorite thing about Halloween is the decorations and horror movies. I love...
  15. K

    Parents divorce affecting adults

    One of my brothers still uses our parents divorce when we were kids as an excuse to why his life is hard. He's a smart guy and is good at the insurance business. He recently walked away from an 80k a year job and has done it a few times. He drinks a lot and was on drugs for a while. He has two...
  16. K

    TV dads

    What were some of your favorite TV or movie dads when you were growing up or even at the present time? I always liked Clark Griswald from National Lampoon Vacation movies. Bill Cosby was a fun dad I thought as a kid. Present day I like Peter Griffin from Family Guy. He cracks me up!
  17. K

    Adult content on the internet.

    For the fathers here, how do you keep your kids from looking at adult content or vulgar things on the internet. I think there are some kinds of security in place, but what about a site like youtube? Do you block them access? If I had a child, I wouldn't want to deprave them of the computer...
  18. K

    Always something new to try.

    I love cooking along with my wife, although she is much better at it than I am, I admit. We are always looking for new recipes to try new foods and even improve foods we already love and eat. What are some good places to get some recipes from? My wife is a sucker for those holiday cooking books...
  19. K


    I got hooked on this show watching on Netflix. I watched the first 4 seasons since that is all that is available right now, but I'm waiting patiently for the season 5 to be released for rental. I got rid of cable because I don't watch much tv, but I may need to get it back and get Showtime just...
  20. K

    Kids make the hard stuff easier?

    Does having a child make doing normal things like going to work if you hate your job, a little easier when you have them in mind? I mean, I'm sure your wife or girlfriend is motivation too I would assume. Sometimes I don't want to do things, but if I had to for reasons such as a child or wife...