Who makes more?


New Member
Who makes more money and does it really matter? I mean to me, its a family and a household income. I am not breaking out to count the pennies down or the very last nickel, its a contribution on both parts, right?


New Member
I make more by far. By leaps and bounds, lol. But I don't care. I may get a bigger paycheck, but my wife has the harder job working from home while taking care of our daughter at the same time. If she didn't work at all it wouldn't bother me, but she insists that she needs to have a little money of her own for holidays and stuff and I respect that.


New Member
We both make about the same. We've been together so for long now that we don't see the money as his and hers. It's ours.


New Member
Who makes more money and does it really matter? I mean to me, its a family and a household income. I am not breaking out to count the pennies down or the very last nickel, its a contribution on both parts, right?
I've been making more. But all money goes to my wife. That's an agreement we made after some trial and error.

She budgets all the money according to an agreed formula. She gets some. I get some. The rest gets allocated to particular "jars." One of these jars is cost of living. We decide our lifestyle based on what's in that jar.

All that was pretty tough in the beginning. But, man, now I think why didn't they teach this in middle school?


New Member
I agree with you. The money we bring home is neither hers nor mine. It is ours. Anyway, I make more. She works at home while taking care of the kids and doing household chores, and that's really hard work.


New Member
My wife makes more than I do in the take home variety. I have the insurance and 401K and Aflac coming out of mine so that it is all in one place. We also just look at it as 'our' money and it is no big deal.


New Member
I make the money in the house. I do not think it should matter who makes more in the household. I have a buddy who would not accept his wife made more it eventually lead to divorce (among other things of course, but this was one main reason)!


New Member
I make the money in the house. I do not think it should matter who makes more in the household. I have a buddy who would not accept his wife made more it eventually lead to divorce (among other things of course, but this was one main reason)!
When the woman makes more and the man feels that his status in the house is lowered, then that thinking simply rubs us men inside the wrong way. It's in our psyche to provide for our family.

I just read a testimony from a woman who was in this situation. Her husband's business was failing. So she took it upon herself to work harder to earn for the family. She had a lucrative position in a big company.

This depressed the husband. To him, his wife's hard work was a solid proof of his failure. The wife felt her husband's depression. She sensed that she needed to support the husband in another way.

After a lot of serious thought, she resigned from her company and decided to support her husband's business. Husband's morale is back, and business is going back on its feet. They live happily ever after.

How I wish all wives are like that.


New Member
It actually depends sometimes I take up some freelance jobs on the side and then I get an extra income boost, but usually we make the same. I don't think I would be very upset if she made more, my wife is not the kind of person to rub it in and neither am I so it wouldn't really matter.


New Member
I make more but it hasn't always been that way and it doesn't really matter. We have always just considered it "our" money. We both do what we have to to pay the bills.