Wife is Dieting


New Member
My wife has decided to go on that Slim Fast diet for a while to try and drop the last of her "baby weight". While I don't think my wife necessarily "needs" to lose weight, if it makes her happy or makes her feel better about herself, I want to encourage her. The problem is, I feel like if I DO encourage her, it might confuse her and make her think that I think she needs to lose weight. How can I be encouraging of what she wants and does while making it clear that I like her just the way she is?

Have you ever been in my position?
My wife is always talking about diets, too but never goes through with it. She's fine, the way she is, but thinks otherwise especially when she gets together with her College friends and sees them "thinner" than her. So as not to give her the idea that I think she's "fat" and needs to diet, I just tell her to do what she wants, BUT I still think that she's great the way she looks.


New Member
I'm very supportive when my wife wants to lose weight. Even though I'd never come out and say, "Hey, honey, looks like you've put a few pounds on recently," I help her by not bringing tempting food home and usually I diet with her because I go back and forth losing and gaining the same 10 pounds.


New Member
Some wives want to involve their husbands in their diet, and some would rather not. My wife is currently on a diet that includes only 600 calories a day, and she constantly talks about her diet to me. I know that 600 calories a day is extreme, but she has her reasons. She also walks every day. She has lost a lot of weight in very little time.

Because she is in very poor health, I feel that getting rid of a lot of excess weight will do her good.


New Member
What does it mean? Do you think she has the right weight? And might lose extra in zeal? Well, losing some weight does not has any side effects anywhere. Only problems arise when people lose the weight drastically all of a sudden. Just weight for zeal to wear out.