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  1. T

    Proposing your partner?

    He needs to use his intuition. As he gets along with her very well, I assume that they know each other very well. He would know if the woman would accept or reject his proposal.
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    Team workers?

    I think we can start a lone ranger club and help each other to do our jobs as a team. :D Not that I don't like working with other people, but I am just more comfortable to work my job alone.
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    Proposing your partner?

    A friend of mine is ready to take his relationship to a more serious level. He has a good job, and he loves his partner and gets along with her very well. But he still hesitates to propose the woman. He said he wouldn't be able to accept a rejection.
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    Salt water

    I know what you are talking about. I get canker sores almost regularly, and gargling with salt water will always help much with it. No, it wouldn't cure the sores, but at least it would help you get rid of the pain.
  5. T

    What kind of therapy is it?

    I just read on another forum about urine therapy, and I don't think it is something I would try myself. The idea is taking your own urine to cure your disease. What do you think?
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    What are you talking about?

    I am curious what you guys are talking about when you are hanging out with other dads in your location. Do you even still have time for that?
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    Working for your friends?

    Just curious, have you ever worked for any of your friends, or had any professional or business relationships with them? Did it work well for both of you?
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    Love and Marriage?

    I have ever read a proverb, saying that love is the dawn of marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love. I know it is a bit cynical and I don't agree with that myself. I believe that marriage can be the dawn of love as well.
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    Wife Taller?

    I can't see anything wrong with being shorter than your wife. Odd maybe, but I think that would be fine. I am not really sure but I think I have ever read somewhere that Napoleon was shorter than his wife.
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    Social Networks?

    In the case of Facebook, actually someone can add you as a friend but you have to confirm/approve it. And, when it comes to your profile, I think you can manage who can view which. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Facebook fan either.
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    Long Hair?

    Interesting. I didn't know that hair can be that heavy - the strain is because of the weight of the hair, right? Anyway, I agree that women with short hair can be so attractive as long haired women.
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    When Do You Know?

    I think so. Different couples have different situations and "signs". Though, I agree when the one doesn't seem to care about the other anymore, and seems to be OK with whatever the other does, they should worry about it.
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    New Year's Resolutions

    No official resolutions for me. However, I promise myself to work more efficiently and manage my time better, so that I have more time to help the wife at home.
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    A tendency to long life

    I would love to know if it's hereditary or not. My dad died in his 65, while my grandpa on dad's side died in his 60 or so. But my mother is 79 now and she is quite healthy for her age.
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    I don't have diabetes but I really need to keep my sugar intake under control. I have a sweet tooth, and having a wife who can cook the most delicious carrot cake in the world doesn't help at all!
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    Silent movies

    I haven't watched many silent movies other than Charlie Chaplin's. I just seen the video you refer to. I couldn't say that I am impressed with the movie, but it is an important milestone in film history.
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    grow up and get a job

    I don't understand them either. We are not currently in the best economic situation, but jobs are there for those who are willing to work. They maybe not perfect jobs, but they pay.
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    Exercise Too Much?

    I see your point. When it comes to losing weight or staying healthy, some people are too hard to themselves, while the others are too lenient to themselves. And I fall under the second category.
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    Oh, I didn't see you there

    Well, it would be rude, especially if the person knew that you saw him. But, to be honest, I would usually do that if I am in a hurry.
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    Divorce and the Bible

    I think we get used to divorce too much and think that divorce is OK. No, it is not OK. Divorce should be the last solution for marital problems.