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  1. C

    Mobilephone for 10 years old.

    I did not get a cell phone until after I graduated high school. Kids are so lucky these days, or spoiled. There is no reason for a ten year old to have a phone. Phones are not allowed in schools and I doubt your son is away from you enough to even need a phone. I would hold off until the kid is...
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    My daughter is two and she goes to bed at eight. My son is seven and he goes to bed at eight- thirty or nine. On the weekend my son can stay up a little longer. No kid wants to go to bed. I think that the kid thinks something really cool happens after they go to bed, so they want to stay up.
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    Are You A Good Sport

    I agree with Timothy, if someone is yelling at their kid I might not like it, but it is none of my business. I just hate to see a parent pressuring their kid so much, that the game is no longer fun.
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    Weekend Plans

    Well, tommorow I am driving my friend to the city for his epidural. He has back problems and needed some one to drive him. That night my family will have our weekly movie night at home. Saturday morning will be spent making a big breakfast and watching cartoons. At some point on Saturday, I have...
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    breakfast soup for cold days

    What is breakfast soup? During winter or cold days, like we have been having this week, my family eats oatmeal. I like mixing the strawberry and blueberry cream oatmeal together. If we have time, a breakfast burrito also warms us up.
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    Birth Control Fight

    I think I must have missed something important, what is going on in Greece? I think Victor is right, not all people who work for a religious company are religious. It does not seem fair to a woman if she gets left out, because her work will not pay for birth control.
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    New baby with pets

    I have heard that this works, but I have always had outdoor pets, when my kids were babies. What kind of pets do you have? I think some pets are good natured to small kids, while there are some pets you just need to avoid. We have an outside cat that is really good natured. My two year old...
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    Family cutbacks

    We do not go out as much, either. When we have to run errands, we try to fit everything in on that day, so we do not have to make extra trips. I hate to see groceries go up in price, any more. Peanut butter is a favorite food around my house, and it is already five bucks a jar here.
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    Lazy Kids?

    Take away what the kids love most. TV, phones, friends, gaming systems and whatever else your kid likes. When they stop being lazy, you can gradually introduce those things back into their life, but have time limits on them. When I was young and did not want to do anything, my parents took...
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    Too Young To Be a Dad?

    Is the girl pregnant and that is why he is getting married? I think he should hold off and just live with the girl. Like someone said, you never know a woman until you live with her! Now, if she is pregnant he at least needs to be a man and support the baby. That does not mean he has to get...
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    Picnic on the beach

    I love the beach and so does my family. I do not like eating on the beach, though. It seems like every time I tried to eat on the beach in the past, I ended up with sand in my mouth. I have no clue how it kept happening, even when we were careful. So, I pass on beach picnics now.
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    Strawberry picking

    We have a local place where you can go and pick strawberries, but I have not been there. I am afraid my kids might decide to just stomp on a lot of berries and cost me a small fortune. My kids do not eat strawberries, they prefer apples.
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    Herniated Discs and Degenerative Disease

    Has anyone had to deal with herniated discs or degenerative disease? My best friend is going through both right now and I really feel for him. His dad had the same thing, so I guess it runs in the family. Does anyone know of anything that can help him? He is starting to think he will never get...
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    Embarrassing Bodies Show?

    I have burned the memory of labor from my brain. That is one thing nobody should have to see. I am fine watching most things, but I think kids should not see all the gore and body parts that are rampant in TV shows now.
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    Cheap lunch?

    Stir fry is my favorite easy meal. You could make wraps. Use a burrito and stuff it with any goodies you like. You can add different sauces, too. I usually cut my rolled burritos up, so they come out looking like pinwheels. If you are feeding kids, they tend to like it. Plus the pinwheels are...
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    Too much fast food

    What are the ages of your kids? If they are old enough to cook, then have one of their chores be cooking. If not try to do the freezer method. My wife makes more than we will eat and freezes the rest. On rushed days we can eat those leftovers. Chili is superb the 2nd go round!
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    Young Child and Grandparents Death

    My son was super close to his pawpaw. Last year my grandfather's health declined greatly. My son could see something was going on, but did not quite understand it. On my daughters first birthday, we took the kids out to a fun center. While we were there I got the dreaded phone call. my...
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    Light up Blue

    Thank you for making everyone aware of World Autism Awareness Day. I do not have an auutistic child, but a friend of mine does. I would go and get a bulb to show support, but I do not have a porch light.
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    Best Indoor Play Places For Your Kiddos

    My kids would rather be exploring outside, but sometimes they like to go to Chuck E. Cheese. We also have an indoor inflatables play area. It is pretty cool, especially during the winter, when the kids need to run off some energy!
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    I saw the space station tonight

    I missed it too, is it visible to everyone or only in certain locations. A few days ago my son and I were outside. My son started screaming that something was fixing to crash into the earth. I looked where he was pointing and it was the moon. However, it was hauling butt straight down! I had to...