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  1. B


    We have three different Zoos in our area, four if you count the petting zoo, and I'm not sure which one my son (11 months) would enjoy more. What do you think? 2 big zoos and 1 small zoo, plus the petting zoo.
  2. B


    Well, I survived my first time getting puked on today. We think our son had too many bananas. We've been busy and dropped him off at the in-laws, so he ended up having 3 helpings of bananas today. :eek:
  3. B


    We are moving in about a week. This will be the first time I've ever moved with a child. I think we are going to have my parents watch him while we move the big furniture. Packing should be fun. ;)
  4. B

    10 Month Old

    I'm running out of ideas for entertaining our 10 month old. Lately is seems like all he wants is to be held. As soon as you put him down he starts screaming. Any suggestions?
  5. B


    Do you have a backup plan in case there is a lay-off at your company? I've seen lay-offs happening more and more lately. In today’s economy, being laid off is a scary thought.