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  1. J

    Are pacifiers nessesary?

    We have been discussing this lately and I wanted opinions. I believe you can get along just fine without using the pacifier. I see too many time kids that are walking and talking with them in their mouth. Even as a baby do they need it really?
  2. J

    Grandparents & favorites

    Neither one of our families play favorites. My mom has a dry erase board on her fridge that says "we love all our grandchildren"and lists them all. Mind you their is a step daughter with 2 kids, a daughter in law with a child not by her son, her son, and her daughter has one and one on the way...
  3. J

    Are you the main earner in your family?

    My wife makes more than I do. It doesn't bother either one of us. We believe long as the bills are paid that is what matters. When our baby is born I don't know what we are going to do as of yet she still wants her career. If that changes than we will do what we have to so that she is happy.
  4. J

    Overtime With Pay

    I take the overtime when I can get it too. It does not happen often, but I can't pass it up and the family understands that.
  5. J

    Career vs family

    I put my family before my job. I am lucky in that I work at a factory that my uncle owns and my dad runs, but I still pull my weight. I make sure I am their for my wife when she needs me (doctor appointments, funerals, family gatherings). I don't want my kids to grow up like I did which was not...
  6. J

    What Do You Think About the Leashes?

    We got one as a baby shower gift. Actually it was just as you described with a brown monkey on it. I do not know if we will use it. My wife is completely against it, but reading this I may change her view on it. We do have a couple years yet.
  7. J

    Chores that you do at home.

    We live in a condo so their is not any outdoor work I could do. I help with laundry and vacuuming and do the dishes, since the wife cooks every meal for our house. She mentioned long ago that she appreciates the help so will not criticize me for doing it "wrong" aka her way!
  8. J

    Anyone experience cloth diapers?

    I am not completely opposed to the idea, as it will save money in the long run. I am wondering how we could do this and be active outside the home also.
  9. J

    Opinions on Prenatal Screening?

    We do not intend on doing the evasive test. But the ultrasound test and blood tests we are going to have done. We just want to know ahead of time of a medical condition. My wife's sister and 2 aunts have down syndrome so we just want to know. It won't make us love our baby any less either way...