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    What to do?

    I have no idea what to do with my kids lately. I think we are all a bit bored. We haven't went out together and had a day away from the house in a while. Any ideas? The weather is so nice today!
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    Online Games

    Are there any games you have been playing online lately. I've actually been getting my wife into playing League of Legends. We have been kicking some serious butt hehe.
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    Giant Cookie

    The other day while I was eating some raw cookie dough, I decided to ball it all up and make a huge cookie. I couldn't even wait for it to be cooked so I ended up mixing it up in a bowl with ice cream. Yum!
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    Anyone expecting a baby this month?

    I keep hearing that this is a really popular month for babies to be born. I wonder how it works out like that. Isn't it strange that there are months where more babies are born? I wonder how that happens?
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    I moved a lot as a kid and I never want to put my kids through that. I think moving is very hard on a child. I know it was hard on me. It was always sad leaving my current town and losing friends. How many times have your kids moved so far?
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    Never had to worry about it

    I was really lucky growing up, I never had to worry about step parents, step brothers and sisters. I think that would be very confusing for kids. I'm really glad my family kept it simple.
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    What do you do when your kids are going through a lot of changes and it's your fault? What I mean is, when you have a new addition to the family or when you change jobs and your hours are all crazy? How do you prepare them?
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    I couldn't do it

    I seriously don't think I could ever make it as a single parent. There is just too much going on in my life. I don't know how anyone can do it. There's so much going on each day in all of our lives. I don't think my kids would get enough attention.
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    Real jobs vs working from home

    I keep thinking about working from home and am wondering if maybe it would be better for my family. Between school and work, it's so hard to spend the right amount of time with my family. What do you think? Can I make good money online?
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    What to do for birthdays?

    I have a birthday coming up soon and I want to make it special but I'm not sure what to do for my children anymore. As they age, it's getting so much harder to make them happy. What would a teen want?
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    When should they get jobs?

    I was wondering, when do you think your kids should get a job? I personally feel that once they have shown they are responsible, and they want a job, they should be able to do it. If it affects school then they should have to quit.
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    Ways for fathers and daughters to relate

    Has anyone else had this problem? Your wife can relate so well with your daughter, but you aren't exactly sure how to relate in the same way. I was thinking, we should all share some tips on how to relate with our daughters.
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    Boring Weekend

    This weekend was one of the most boring I've had to deal with in a while. I had some time off and was so excited, but nothing turned out the way I wanted it to. I was so bummed out. What do you do when your plans fall through?
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    Who is right?

    Have you ever noticed that when it comes to arguments, in most relationships the mother always ends up being right? It seems like the kids always side with the mother because she has the best, nicest solution. It's hilarious.
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    More Quakes?

    I heard there were some more earthquakes that happened in Japan or something like that. Is that true? I think it's so upsetting, when are these poor people going to get a break? I don't get it!
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    Why does gas have to be so expensive!?

    I can't believe how expensive gas is right now! It seems like everything in life right now is costing more and more and I just don't know how anyone can afford anything anymore. It's driving me crazy!
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    Life Lessons

    In the past year, I feel like I have grown up a lot and have learned some major life lessons. I have learned to live each day to the fullest and not hold grudges because life is too short. What have you learned lately?
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    Movie theatre at apartments!

    I was looking at apartments recently just to see if anything was cheaper than what we're paying now. There is one place that has an indoor heated pool and a movie theatre that you can rent out. Well, you only pay if you trash the place. But ya, isn't that great?!:)
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    Why so soon?

    I've been thinking about this lately and it's driving me crazy. Have you ever noticed that so many couples get married and then divorce within a year or a few years? I can't imagine just giving up so quickly like that. How sad! :(
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    Think of their future

    I just wanted to bring up something that I think is really important. When/if divorce is every something that you're dealing with, please think of your kids. My parents divorcing was one of the hardest things I went through as a kid and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.