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  1. G

    How did you meet their mother?

    Red flags appear everywhere, it's just up to us to see them or not. My ex-wife? Yeah, major red flag when she vanished on a day she was supposedly with her mother. Her mom calls our landline asking for her. Well, needless to say... 8 hours later she finally comes home. No note. We weren't just...
  2. G

    How did you meet their mother?

    Depends, how long? I met my son's mother at her 16th birthday party. We didn't get together till she was 22, almost 23 hahaha Essentially, ours is the same story. Mutual friend. Leaving it at that. ;)
  3. G

    Bring on the scary movies!

    I honestly haven't seen anything worthwhile as far as horror films go. Last Halloween left me rather disappointed with the lack of horror films coming out. Plus, let's face it, I miss the Saw films coming out every year haha It became tradition for me to go see them, alone or with friends. In...
  4. G

    Bedtime stories

    Not long after my son was born, my ex and I started reading to him. Our friends would give us funny looks and try and explain that he couldn't understand anything and inquire as to what the point of it was. Really, the point was to spend time with him while we put him to sleep. And, besides...
  5. G

    Working overtime

    Honestly? No, there's nothing wrong with wanting time to yourself. Too much work can be a really, really bad thing. Not only does it take away from family time, but it can just really wear on you. So yeah, I'm with the above. Just clarify your stance, and stick to your guns. Me? Personally any...
  6. G

    Divorce or Deception

    Unfortunately, too many people jump the gun these days with marriage and divorce both. I think my marriage could have possibly been saved, but it would never have been the same again. And, well, I wouldn't have my son. Not that that relationship succeeded either, which the common denominator...
  7. G

    Divorce or Deception

    Just my two cents: It's better to end something that no longer exists, than to go on like everything is working perfectly. My ex-wife ended up being... Well, to be kind when she doesn't deserve that from me, she was unfaithful. She ended up giving me the option of separate or divorce, which was...
  8. G

    Any advice

    My "sperm donor" abandoned my mother and I when I was 2, so I have no memories of him whatsoever. That being said, he never paid CS either. So I have to agree with the above, loving them and being there for them is the first step. My mother met my stepfather when I was 7 or so, so I guess you...
  9. G

    I was going to post this in the divorce thread, but...

    Oh, gotta love the "unjustice" system. I would think that having something in writing stating that it was accepted as a years worth of payments should have worked in your benefit. Sorry to hear that. I know that, had my ex-wife and I had kids, I would probably be in a similar situation.
  10. G

    I was going to post this in the divorce thread, but...

    Yeah, right now she's working, and back to full time. It's a temp job, but a lot of people there have been employed steadily for well over 5 years. So the chances of her being long term are very, very high. Hell, they took her back after 6 months maternity leave! I mean, overall we are on civil...
  11. G

    Nerdcore! is a great starting point and a huge resource for all things nerdcore. Not to sound like an advert, but it's one of the places I go for new stuff. A lot of it is free to download, and some for good reason. But if you dig deep enough, you'll find some gems. StarF is one of my...
  12. G


    Having grown up in the 90's, I can safely respect your opinion. Not a huge fan of it, but it does have it's place. There is some amazing talent in the nerdcore community, though. A lot of it fan-generated, which is nice. :) Any nerd with a microphone and a computer I guess lol
  13. G

    I was going to post this in the divorce thread, but...

    Actually, this is a great idea. I need to do this for Child Support as it is, because the amount they're wanting I cannot afford. Unless I'm working two jobs. I mean, yeah, my kid comes first, but... I've gotta be able to stay afloat myself.
  14. G

    Playing console games with your son

    As long as you're not like my step dad and throwing the controller every 5 seconds because things aren't going your way haha Man, when I was growing up that was how we bonded. Sometimes 8 hour long Mario Kart sessions. It was an excellent bonding experience, and it really did bring us closer...
  15. G

    Stephen King

    If my ex ever gives me back my things... I might just finish 11/26/63
  16. G

    YouTube Madness

    I've found some pretty weird videos that way... Mostly poop, but I've also found some really great songs and various other things. Like a MLP version of Epic Meal Time.
  17. G


    Yeah, that's right. Nerdcore. Nerd rap. Hip hop with nerdy references and the like. I cannot possibly be the only one here that likes it, right? I've even remixed one of my favorite artist's songs. So, I'm just wondering if anyone else here is a fan.
  18. G

    I was going to post this in the divorce thread, but...

    See, the thing is we were never married. However, about a month ago we broke up. She became weary of bickering and didn't want our son to grow up in that environment, even though to me things felt like they were getting better. Apparently not, right? Well, ever since things ended, she's just...
  19. G

    More Quakes?

    I don't know what Japan must've done to karmically "deserve" all of this from Mother Nature, but I really do hope they can catch a breather. A friend of mine was attending school in Tokyo, which if I remember wasn't too badly harmed from the recent tsunami, but still. He wasn't too keen with...
  20. G

    Weekends together?

    Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately my youngest brother is stuck at home now, and going through on-line schooling due to some discrepancies our family had with his school that were never resolved. It's a shame he won't have those experiences a real high school will give him.. As for mixing it...