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    Too Much

    I think my wife is taking on way more than she bargained for. We have a 4 year old and an 8 month old and last week she started watching our 5 month old nephew. She is just exhausted by the time I get home.
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    Split Time

    I am happy that this year the ex and I have come to agreement to split Thanksgiving. The papers say whoever gets Thanksgiving also has Christmas Day and the other has eve. Her family only gets together the 2 big days so it is unfair. So we split Thanksgiving and I got him until 4 so we had...
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    Timing is everything!

    I finally got news that my unemployment extension is granted and they are going to back pay me for the month with no income! I hope to get a job soon, but I do have another 12 weeks left so hope that is all it takes!
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    My son has started screaming this week for no reason. All I can figure is he is starting to learn he has a voice and he wants to show it off?! He is 6 months old.
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    Holiday Chaos!

    Anyone else experiencing holiday chaos? My mother, her mother, my ex wife, my step mother ugh! My mom wants us over at 1, my step mom wants us over in the evening and her mother wants dinner at 3. All the meanwhile have to come up with a time to meet the ex wife to pick up my child! Mom and...
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    Darn Cold

    My step-son brought home a bad cold from his fathers house this weekend. And today I am real sick with it. I hate when I get sick from others and glad I still have one vacation day left for work.
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    My son is 7 months old and is already climbing up stuff and tonight he was on my lap on the couch and claimed down with no help from me! Isn't it a little early for all of that?! Maybe I just want him to be little forever :)
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    My son knew how to count to 10 by the time he was 2 and then he stopped. He wouldn't count for us at all. And at 3 1/2 claimed he couldn't. Why would he go from know to not and refusing? How am I going to get him in kindergarten if he won't count?
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    State Ins

    My friend got a letter in the mail requiring him to pay the state medical insurance his son has. He is divorced and she lost her job about a year and a half ago. So she put the child on state insurance, because both were unemployed and didn't have insurance. Now the state is requiring him to...
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    Anyone take a daily vitamin set that they like? I have been taking a set of vitamins for about 6 months and find I have more energy and feel better now than ever.
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    Hyland Teething tablets

    Anyone using these, just beware they took them off the market recently. I used them for my first two kids and went to buy them for my baby and they are not selling them anymore. Why take away something that actually works! Grr darn government (FDA)!
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    Family Night

    My sisters, parents and I all get our families together one night a month to spend time together. We play games and have fun dinners like subs or pizza. It is really fun for all the kids to play together.