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    He hears you when he's sleeping...

    I just read an interesting, recently released article on Yahoo! about how it's suspected that babies can still hear their parents fighting even when they are asleep. What are your thoughts on this? I think two parents shouldn't be "yelling" to fight in the first place, sleeping tot or not.
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    Please me with presents, please!

    It is said that the most popular Father's Day gift is tools. What would be your ideal present for that special day, your birthday or any gift-giving holiday in general?
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    When you're done having kids...

    I was just wondering among the fathers on here which birth control methods you personally would be okay with using once your family is complete. Would you take a male birth control pill if available? Or do you think contraception is mainly a woman's issue?
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    Extracurricular Limits

    If your son and daughter has many interests when it comes to after-school activities, do you set a cap on how many that they can take up at one time? If so, what is it, and it is more due to budget, or because you don't want them to overwhelm themselves?
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    Fridge Rotation

    How many pieces of your child's artwork do you allot to the front of your fridge at a given time? How long does a piece hang before being replaced by something else?
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    Grown Child Preggers at the Same Time

    Have you ever know a family where both mother and older child were pregnant at the same time? Or does this sort of thing only happen on TV?
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    What to do if they love you more

    If you had a stepchild that claimed to love you more than their biological dad, would you encourage that sentiment, or try to adjust it?
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    Pre-screening their picks

    How often do you preview the TV shows and movies that your kids want to watch before they watch them? Do you do it every time, and which methods do you use for determining if something is appropriate?
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    Belly pads to support

    Guys, have you ever worn one of those faux pregnancy bellies to try and show support for your lady? What did you come away from the experience thinking?
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    Mean retorts

    What is the meanest thing your kid(s) have ever said to you? For me, it would definitely have to be "I hate you". Luckily, the situation was silly and not anything serious; I think it would have packed more of a punch coming from a teenager who could possibly actually mean it.
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    Scary characters

    Are your kids afraid of any of the so-called friendly characters like Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse? Have you aimed to help them overcome their fear, or do you just avoid said characters at parks, etc.?
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    Best Indoor Play Places For Your Kiddos

    I found this to be an interesting and useful article. Do you have any fun indoor play spaces like these in your area that you go to?
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    Do your kids give you V-day gifts?

    In light of the recent holiday, did your kids do anything special for you on Valentine's Day? My daughter once made me a giant construction paper heart at school and glued a bunch of conversation hearts along the edge for "trim".
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    Unusual first words?

    Did any of your babies speak some colorful first words (something other than "ma-ma" or "da-da")? Where do you think they picked up the word or phrase in question?
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    Child-rearing mags/books

    Guys, do you ever read any of your wife's baby/parenting magazines or books? Do you think they offer some good advice, or do you think fatherdom is best learned firsthand and/or through common sense?
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    Kids' Choice: Wii or Kinect?

    For those families who own both devices (the Wii and the Kinect), which do your kids like more? I'd have to say that my kids prefer the Kinect. While the Wii does have better tracking and more recognizable characters, the Kinect is more immersive all-around.
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    Awkward Situations: Courtesy of Having a Teen Daughter

    Have you ever had any embarrassing situations come up that you had to go through with your preteen or teen daughter? I'm talking shopping for bras, getting tampons, discussing the birds and the bees, etc. What happened, and how did you handle it?
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    Favorite Games

    What is your favorite board or card game to play as a family? In our house, it's a game called Fluxx. It's a wacky card game with a ton of ever-changing rules and is different every time you play.
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    Ordering pizza

    Is ordering pizza a big dilemma in your household, or a cause for celebration? Can your family easily agree on the type of crust and toppings, or do you have to basically get each kid their own pizza?
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    Forts, Tents, and Tree Houses

    What's the biggest or best fort/tree house that you've ever built with your kids? We once took over the entire living room and used multiple furniture pieces to construct a fort worthy of domination. Needless to say, the missus wasn't exactly pleased!