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    Tumbling classes

    Does anyone else have their little ones signed up for a tumbling class? Our daughter is in one, and she absolutely loves it! She can now do a somersault. She is so proud of herself. :)
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    Everyone told me to watch out for jealousy once the new baby came. That my older daughter might be very jealous of her little brother. Well, it's come as a surprise to me (and others who know us personally) that our daughter has shown no noticeable jealousy towards her new baby brother. I guess...
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    Recording/Photos in Birthing Room

    Have/will any of you be recording or taking photos of your little one's birth? My wife is completely against doing this. She is fine with having her photo taken after the birth, and even recording. But when she was in labor...forget it!
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    I am now a father of two!

    I think the last time I posted was almost a month ago. Well, a lot has happened since then! My wife gave birth to our second child. A little boy! So now we have a little girl and a little boy. I could NOT be any happier. I am so happy. :)
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    Are you friendly with your neighbors?

    Are you friendly with your neighbors?! For the most part we are, excluding our extremely rude and obnoxious neighbors that live directly next to us. How do you handle rude neighbors (if you are unfortunate like us)?!
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    Do you have a Facebook?

    Please tell me that I am not the only one that does not have a Facebook! haha. It's true...I don't have one. I am not the most technically savvy person, and I don't have one. Anyone else?
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    Talking on the phone

    Do you enjoy talking on the phone? I absolutely hate it, and I really have no idea why either! I just absolutely hate to talk on the phone. Is anyone else feel this way as well?
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    Celebrating my wife's birthday

    My wife's birthday is coming up shortly and I would like to do something nice for her. Any suggestions on what I could do? I want something nice, but not too expensive.
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    Final Countdown!

    We are in the final countdown! Only about 4 more weeks to go until I am a father of two! :) That sounds so strange to say, that I will be a father of two shortly. Any tips from dads that have more than one child for me?!
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    "What's that?" "What's that?" "What's that?"

    It seems that this is all my daughter says anymore! Just about anytime she opens her mouth to speak the words...."What's that?" comes out of her mouth. I understand that she is curious about her surroundings, but half the time when she is asking...she already knows the answer. It is starting to...
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    Keeping yourself healthy, when everyone else is sick!

    How do you guys do it?! How do you keep yourself healthy when everyone else in your house is sick with an illness? I need all the tips I can get! I'm trying to stay healthy, but I feel like I might be coming down with something now too!
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    First pet

    We currently don't have any pets in our house, but we would like to get something. Our daughter is only two, but she loves animals! We were thinking of maybe getting her a fish. A nice, easy to care for type of pet. Is this a good idea? Any other suggestions on what would be good for a "first...
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    Chocolate Cake in 5 minutes!

    I just found a recipe online of how to make a little chocolate cake in 5 minutes. My wife loves chocolate cake, so I was thinking of maybe trying it out & seeing how it goes! Has anyone else tried something similar to this? Here's a link to the recipe: Chocolate Cake In 5 Minutes! — Dizzy Dee
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    I feel outnumbered!

    Right now, it's just the three of us. My daughter, wife and I. When my wife goes shopping she always takes our daughter, and I feel left out! I mean, I don't like to shop, but I would still like to go just to spend time with the two of them. Does anyone else feel the same way?
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    AFC Championship!

    Who will be watching the AFC Championship game tonight? Who do you think will win? It's between the Jets and the Steelers. I'm thinking it will be an awesome game! Last time the two played the Jets won, I think this time it is the Steelers turn! :)
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    Finding Time for Fatherhood - The Book

    Has anyone read this book yet? I just found out about it today while doing quick Google search. Would it be worth my time to borrow it from the library or not?
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    Do you go?

    Do you go to any of your wife's appointments? Does she want you to go with her? I go every chance I get, but sometimes I can not get off work to go with her. Those times, she usually goes with her mother.
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    Quick & Easy recipes

    I'll be the first to admit it, I am definitely NOT a cook! However, I am looking for any recipes you other dads might have that are quick and easy to complete. Anyone have any good suggestions?
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    Favorite new toy?

    So, now that Christmas has rolled around figured I'd ask!...What is your child's favorite new toy or toys?! It seems every year there is always that one toy, that I just can not pry out of my daughter's hands.
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    Anything Like Me

    I'm not sure if anyone else has every heard of this song or not.Brad Paisley sings it and it has become a new favorite of mine. I just love the words, and it really explains alot about how I feel. Here's a link to the lyrics: BRAD PAISLEY - ANYTHING LIKE ME LYRICS