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  1. B

    Saw OZ this past weekend.

    I have to say I was pleasantly surprisised be Oz:The Great and Powerful. I thought it did a nice job telling it's own story and still connecting it to the original Wizard of Oz. Anyone else see this movie or are you planning on going to see it?
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    Potty mouth.

    Seriously, my son is at that at that age where he thinks throwing in bathroom words into any conversation is hysterical. My wife really dislikes it, while I sometimes have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. I keep telling her it's just a phase, testing boundaries and the like...
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    Hospice care.

    My friend's mom is dying from liver cancer and the doctors are talking to them about her going into hospice. Has any of you had any experience with someone in hospice care? What are some things that they take care of? What kind of things can my friend expect?
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    Have you ever used a Groupon?

    Have you ever bought a Groupon? My wife has bought a few for us. One got us savings for an activity place for the kids. Another was for an exercise bootcamp thing that her and her friend tried out. She also bought a couple of for restaurant discounts. Anyone else see a deal they couldn't...
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    Museum Membership

    My whole family loves The Museum of Scieence and Industry here in Chicago, so my wife and I decided to purchase a membership. It includes admission and other various discounts. We already used it several times, and it has me considering memberships at a few other local museums. Anyone else...
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    The Pope is retiring?

    OK, let me start with saying, I'm Catholic. I went to Catholic school and everything. I had no idea that retiring from being the Pope was even an option. Is anyone else surprised that the Pope is stepping down?
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    Dramas set back in time.

    I just saw an advertisement for a new series coming called The Americans. It's set back in the 80's and the main couple are KGB agents undercover in America. Does anyone else have issues with buying into the premise now that the world is so different than it was 30 years ago?
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    Daily Activity and Routine Charts for rewards.

    Lately our youngest is going through a bit of a defiant stage. It seems like everything is up for debate. It's been driving my wife and I crazy. So my wife took a tip from his teacher at school and printed up these daily activity sheets for all our kids. She's writing down things they...
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    All these VHS tapes.

    We still have so many movies on VHS. We have upgraded some of them to DVD's but there are many movies I don't know if we could replace (or if I really want to replace some of them). We still have a functioning VHS player, but I cringe thinking about the time when we'll just be tossing all...
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    Plans for the income tax return.

    I am so grateful for my wife this time of year, as she handles filing our taxes. We always get a pretty decent return. This year we are using it to pay off the last bit of our car loan and another chunk will cover our summer trip with the kids. If there's any left over, we'll put it into...
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    Re-releasing movies in 3D.

    I have to admit it annoys me that these film companies are re-releasing these kid's films in theaters in 3D, that we have on DVD. Of course the kids always want to go see the movies, but at almost $10 a ticket it gets really expensive. And, did I mention, we have them on DVD! Are any of you...
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    Beating a cold.

    I think I finally caught the cold that has been circulating around my work. I have been drinking extra fluids, taking vitamins and trying to get a little extra sleep. Is there anything special you do when you're coming down with or have a cold to get over it?
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    How will you be ringing in the new year?

    My wife and I have decided to stay home this year. We have invited a couple of couple friends who have kids around the same age to join us. We're just going to order some pizza, have some finger foods and snacks, play games and do the countdown. What do you all have planned?
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    Encouraging reading.

    My nephew did not like to read, so I pulled out some old comic books. He loves them. He reads them out loud, making voices for the different characters. My son isn't quite 3, but will snuggle next to my nephew when he's reading the comics and is mesmerized. Now, my nephew is starting to pick...
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    Daddy, fix it.

    It's Christmas morning and this is the first break I've gotten from, shall we say, the assembly line. My wife is being so nice to me, because she knows some of the things she bought this year have just been a pain to put together. Even some of the things that don't have anything to put...
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    Trying to help my wife with the party.

    My wife and I are hosting her family for Christmas this year. My wife usually volunteers for 2 holiday parties a year, but this one has been particullarly stressful for her. I keep asking her what she needs/wants me to do to help, but she brushes me off and tells me it's all under control...
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    New shows don't impress.

    There are a couple comedies that I like a bit, but I am not impressed at all by any dramas. I was looking forward to Vegas, but so far it's just a period cop show. Have you found any new shows that have you hooked?
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    Taking a cruise?

    My wife is trying to talk me into going on a cruise next year. Neither of us have been on a cruise before and I'm wondering if I'd enjoy it. I know there's tons of food, but what else is there to do? We have 3 little kids, ages 3, 7, and 9. Is there plenty of activities to keep them busy...
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    Trouble sleeping.

    I am having the hardest time sleeping lately. Many nights, I have trouble falling asleep, and when I do fall asleep, I have trouble staying asleep. Have any of you had this experience? What did you do to get things straightened out?
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    Not the coach, but...

    My girls are in intramural basketball at their school. It's set up so the kids can learn some basics and get a feel for the game. But, then they play a game, no score kept. Really it's a bunch of running back and forth, with an occasional shot. I'm finding it hard not to side-line coach...