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  1. S

    It's a girl!

    Congratulations!!! You will be great with her too! We are hoping for a girl blessing the third try. We have 2 lovable boys right now a third wouldn't be bad, but like your wife I am sure mine would like one girl!
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    Too Much

    I think my wife is taking on way more than she bargained for. We have a 4 year old and an 8 month old and last week she started watching our 5 month old nephew. She is just exhausted by the time I get home.
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    Being A Tom Boy

    My wife was a tom boy and to an extent still is. I see nothing wrong with it, the girly girls always seem to annoy me!
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    Split Time

    I am happy that this year the ex and I have come to agreement to split Thanksgiving. The papers say whoever gets Thanksgiving also has Christmas Day and the other has eve. Her family only gets together the 2 big days so it is unfair. So we split Thanksgiving and I got him until 4 so we had...
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    Wife is mad!

    I hope your wife forgives you before Christmas, but if not that is an excellent idea! I have all my pictures backed up on disks also. I am going to look into putting them on flickr or the like though.
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    Biting your tongue

    I also admire you in the way you handle yourself! I find it hard to control my mouth, which also gets me in trouble. Sometimes I just have to say it under my breath where as the children do not hear me. I will try to get better though, I am still bitter of the whole situation!
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    I did not believe in it while going through a bitter divorce. My new wife was vary patient and kind and let me decide when I was ready to marry again. I believe just because one was bad, doesn't mean all are.
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    Birthday Parties

    We celebrate birthdays with my mom and siblings with their families. Each family picks up their own tab, but it is still a nice time and the birthday person chooses the place.
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    Good Friends

    I wish I could get out as often as you guys! I love my family time, but is it too hard to ask for one night with the guys every now and then?! The wife gives me a guilt trip if I even ponder the idea!
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    Timing is everything!

    I finally got news that my unemployment extension is granted and they are going to back pay me for the month with no income! I hope to get a job soon, but I do have another 12 weeks left so hope that is all it takes!
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    Do you have a favourite?

    I try not to show favorites either. I have a step son and a son and sometimes I know I can be partial to 'my' son, but love them both dearly.
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    Our financial matters are saved for Friday evenings after the kids are in bed. Then we sit down together and figure out where we stand. It usually only takes a few minutes, unless we have a need for somethings and have to rearrange the budget.
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    Does Santa wrap?

    Santa presents get wrapped in our house! We do that too jason, it is more fun to have different styles under the tree! If they are unwrapped why even wait till Christmas?
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    Non digital games?

    We get together with my parents, siblings, and their families about once a month to all spend time and play board games and the wii together.
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    What a wonderful gift to yourself and your family! I used the patch and lots of hard candy and suckers. Positive reinforcement from friends an family helped too!Good luck to you.
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    My son has started screaming this week for no reason. All I can figure is he is starting to learn he has a voice and he wants to show it off?! He is 6 months old.
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    Best sound in the world.

    I agree with you all their is not enough words to express how wonderful the sound a laughing child is. I love it now that my son has started laughing at everything, we have no idea what he is laughing at, but it makes us smile too.
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    No cravings

    My wife was also very sick for the first 6 months so when she finally did get to eat she was not particular about what she was eating.
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    Holiday Chaos!

    Anyone else experiencing holiday chaos? My mother, her mother, my ex wife, my step mother ugh! My mom wants us over at 1, my step mom wants us over in the evening and her mother wants dinner at 3. All the meanwhile have to come up with a time to meet the ex wife to pick up my child! Mom and...
  20. S

    Flexible savings for health costs through work.

    I did this a couple years back and ended up losing the money that was left at the end of the year. We did not get sick or need to extra. I think they should allow you to have the rest (even if they tax it) since it is our hard earned money to begin with, but that is the insurance company...